Make the Most Out of Household Items

The truth is there are ways to make household items last longer. Who doesn’t want to get more for their money and cut down on waste? These little tricks will help you save money and trips to the store!

Buy foam hand soap dispensers. Get the regular hand soap refill bottles. Fill the dispenser up ¼ of the way with hand soap. Fill the rest with water. Shake the dispenser and voila, now you have foam hand soap. This will definitely save you some money in the long run and the soap works just as good as liquid hand soap.

Keep fresh cut flowers fresher longer by adding a cap full of vodka to the water!

Keep left over salad or bags of spinach and lettuce fresh by adding a dry paper towel to the leafy greens. This will soak up the moisture that is released from the greens; which also makes the greens spoil.

Have you ever wondered why Starbucks has already separated the bananas for purchase? Separating the bananas from the bunch keeps them fresher for days longer.

Keep cheese fresh for longer by these two simple tricks. Do not touch the cheese when cutting it. Wrap the end in plastic wrap. Bacteria from your hands will speed up the process of your cheese molding. Keeping your hands off, when cutting will add at least a week to its life. Smear butter on the end of the cheese. This will provide adequate moisture to keep the cheese from drying out so soon.

Keep batteries in the freezer to help prevent them from losing charge before you actually use them. It saves you money when you buy batteries in bulk. This little trick will add plenty of shelf life to purchased batteries.

We hope these tips help save you a little time and money! Be well!

The Three Things to Look for While House Hunting

When house hunting, it can feel like there are endless options. Focusing on the wrong areas can make the search an even more daunting and burdensome task. To properly search for your next home, there are only three things you need to be considering. With these in mind, your search becomes a little easier. Here are the three things you must look for while house shopping:

Ignore the Theme

It is easy to get caught up in the little things. Make sure the reason you are not selecting a home is because of variables that are unable to be changed. Not architecturally speaking, but the theme of the house was created by the previous homeowner. Do not put a home at the top of your list because it has your favorite color painted walls, or you love the Rustic themed living room. These are all variables you can create in any home. It is easy to be blinded by a well-designed atmosphere and start imagining yourself in it. Try to take a few steps back and analyze the home for what it is at the root, not what they have done to the design.


Location matters! Make sure you love the location. Visit the property during different hours. This is a constant factor that you cannot change once you move into the home. For instance, how easy is it to access your driveway? Is the neighborhood safe? How is the school system in the community? How does this home feel during rush hours in traffic or at different times of the day? Is it quiet or noisy? These are just several of the thousands of questions that should be running through your head. Pay attention to the noises at the property while you are visiting. These can all be things that you cannot see when looking at the property online.


Does the home’s layout work for you? This is another factor that you cannot easily change. Even if you are considering adding onto the property, make sure that city restrictions and zoning allow that possibility. Bedrooms, bathrooms, location of the washer and dryer, parking, and many other factors need to be considered when looking at properties.

With these three factors in mind, you will be able to scan through properties much quicker and zero in your search. Remember, location and layout are constants and try not to get caught up in the homes’ other aesthetic features because most of them can be changed.

Multitasking easy with Extra-large Kitchen Island

Kitchen islands provide much-appreciated extra storage and counter space for serious cooks. But cooking is only the first purpose for an island. You will soon find that your island can become a location for many projects and tasks.

You can encourage using the island for other purposes by planning to optimize the space for the whole family. Here are some uses to consider and tips to support these ideas.

Breakfast bar: Pre-set the island with bowls and position various cereals on the table. Add granola, some chopped nuts and fresh or dried fruit. In the morning, each family member can create a favorite mix and add milk. The best part of this approach? Everything can be set up the night before except for the fresh fruit, which could be ready cut-up in the refrigerator. Different schedules or preferences are supported with this system. Make regular changes in the selection to keep the idea fresh. This makes an easy breakfast one or more mornings a week.

Homework center: You may need to fix dinner while your children complete their homework for the night. Make it a family affair by setting up the island to meet homework needs. Have a supply of paper and writing instruments available and a laptop for computer needs. You can answer questions or help solve problems while working in the kitchen. Your regular attention makes it more likely that your children will take their homework assignments seriously. You might want to designate a drawer or shelf nearby for each child to keep track of assignments and ensure that school books or day packs are ready to go the next day.

Sous chef set-up: If you want your children to be comfy in the kitchen, you may want to start them as your assistants with some simple chopping or prep work. By providing a cutting board, the raw veggies and a good knife if they’re old enough, you can start developing their skills and take advantage of their help at the same time.

No matter how you chose to use your island, it will provide a wealth of possibilities. You may even find yourself using it for your own cooking efforts.