Cut Off Dates and Timetables

New home construction can be a complicated process that requires adherence to schedules to keep the process running smoothly.

As a new homebuyer, you have a responsibility to make decisions, in regards to your home, in a timely manner. It may not seem important to you to choose certain things as far in advance as you are asked, but trust us! There are many things that go on behind the finishes you see at the end that need to be addressed very early in the construction process. Any delay in these decisions can effect multiple people, schedules and deadlines that you ma not even be aware of.

For Fulton homebuyers, structural options, which are options that change the footprint of the home, must be finalized at the Structural Option Finalization, which is 10 days after the initial contract.  We won’t be able to change any of the structural options at the Design Center. You must make all other option selections at the design center within 30 days of contracting your home.

With Fulton Homes, you have the opportunity to personalize your home with the interior finish options provided by your builder. We hope that with the posts we offer in this blog that we can help prepare you for this process by providing you with answers to some of the questions you may have. For other posts on the design center process, please click here.