By their very design, bathrooms tend to be colder in style. With all the glass, tile and porcelain, you have a lot of hard surfaces to contend with. But it doesn’t take much effort to warm up the feeling of a bathroom. Here are some tips to make a difference:
Be generous with towels: One of the best resources for adding warmth and color to any bathroom is by your choice of towels. For maximum effect, double up on the towels like these shown here. With the black towels as a base, the bright light green hand towels really pop. Look for opportunities to add more than the basic towels where you can. For example, the towel at the left of the photo on the ring is perfectly located for drying hands at the sink.
Add art: Whether it’s a print like the one shown here or fabric wall hangings, some wall art makes a bathroom more interesting and appealing. But be careful not to put anything particularly valuable in a bathroom. The moisture in the room during and after a shower can damage art, particularly watercolors and pastels. Instead, look for nice prints or photographs with minimal value.
Use accessories: Even a smaller vanity like the one in this photo will carry a simple accessory, and that addition personalizes the space and can make a real difference in a bathroom’s mood. The simple vase of flowers shown here adds charm without taking up too much space thanks to its small footprint.
Bathrooms are a functional space in your home, but with just a bit of effort you can also make them feel more like a haven for friends and family. So warm up your bathrooms with these simple additions.