Professional Moving Advice for Homeowners

The word “moving” has a stressful connotation associated with it. We think of moving, and we think of the massive amount of work and preparation that will be involved. Do not let the idea of moving into a new home stress you out and keep you worried. We want to help your move be as smooth and comfortable as possible.

Tips for a Successful Move:

  • Create a schedule and checklist.
      • Schedule: To reduce stress caused by moving, create a schedule for moving day and the days leading up to it. If you plan on hiring a moving company, write down all appointments in your moving schedule. Your moving schedule will help prepare you for the big day.
      • Checklist: Certain things must be done prior to the move as well as after moving day. Create a checklist to make sure you have completed all the necessary tasks. For example, make sure all the kitchen cabinets and drawers are emptied.
  • Gather the necessary items.
        • Boxes: Boxes are a moving day necessity and can sometimes be challenging to find them for free. Excellent places to check for free boxes are grocery stores and liquor stores. You can always purchase boxes at various general merchandise stores.
        • Etcetera: Other important items to have on hand are scissors, permanent markers, masking tape, bubble wrap, trash bags, a toolbox, and cleaning supplies for last minute cleaning needs.
  • Use a color-coded box system. When you go to unpack, it can be difficult to know what box belongs in what room. To save yourself the confusion, create a color-coded box system. You will need to create a moving legend to establish which color goes with what room. After you have created the legend, place colored stickers on the box that goes with the assigned color of the room. For example, the kitchen is represented by a blue sticker on the legend; all blue sticker boxes will go into the new home’s kitchen on moving day.
  • Do not do it alone. Invite your friends and family to help with the move in exchange for a free dinner. People are usually receptive to helping out a friend in need and who wants to turn down free food? To keep dinner costs though, you can buy some pizzas for everyone to eat.

Take a deep breath before moving day. It will all be alright, and everything will get done. It is a lot of work, but moving into a new home brings new adventures. Think of the great times to come and all the memories that you and your loved ones will share. 

Best wishes, and thanks for choosing Fulton Homes