What’s Stopping You From Buying a Home?


If you love our Fulton Homes but you aren’t sure you can make the purchase at this point, let us help you explore your options. We have some great solutions – solutions that may surprise you.

If your credit is less than perfect:

With three preferred lenders, we can offer access to a variety of mortgage products that provide flexibility and affordability. Our lenders will work with you if your credit is not perfect, and can help you understand what you need to do to repair your credit so that you will be able to buy a Fulton Home. Over 20,000 people have been successful and we can help you too. But you’ll never move forward if you don’t get started.

If you experienced a short sale, foreclosure or bankruptcy recently:

Most people have heard that they won’t be able to buy another home for anywhere from three to as many as seven years. The good news is that mortgage programs and lending standards are lightening up, and you may be surprised at your eligibility. One of our preferred lenders can help you determine what will work for your situation.

If you’re concerned that you may not have enough cash for a down payment:

Some of our mortgage programs require only 3% or 5% down, or possibly even zero down! And with some of the changes in government mortgage insurance (PMI) programs, you can still end up with a low monthly payment.

If you have an existing home that needs repairs or updates:

The Fulton Homes Trade-In Program™ some of the top resale agents and brokers in Arizona can provide advice on everything from home renovations to staging. They’ll help you get the most from your current home.

If you’re upside down or have no equity in your current home:

Are you sure about that? Home prices are going up again in this area. Our Trade-In Program™ helps you understand your home’s value and maximize your resale price, all with reduced commissions.